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Who it's for

This training is for junior to mid-level client-facing team members who manage accounts and projects.

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How it works

This certification training program is delivered live over 4 remote sessions of 2 hours or less.

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Four-part virtual training series

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Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

The New Role of Account Leadership

How to embrace the new level of proactive leadership now expected of client-facing team members. Participants will use a new assessment model to evaluate their account management skills and highlight areas for improvement. The goal is to deliver more effective work while becoming an indispensable partner to clients.
Nov 1 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

Effective Project & Client Management

How to more effectively prioritize high-value tasks, manage client projects, and keep the agency’s resources well-organized. Participants will learn and apply new frameworks for project management and strategic prioritization. The goal is to clearly and confidently lead clients and the agency through the delivery of every project.
Nov 4 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

Business Writing for Client Management

How to write communications that will more clearly inform, guide, and direct clients. Participants will elevate their business writing for greater clarity, especially when communicating with senior leaders. The goal is to communicate with purpose to better manage clients and their projects.
Nov 8 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

Manage Project Scope & Profitability

How to write scope documents – and manage clients – to ensure the agency gets paid for all its work. Participants will learn principles to connect agency work to client business benefits and to keep budgets – and clients – on track. The goal is to better manage scope creep while increasing margins for the agency.
Nov 11 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
1 Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

The New Role of Account Leadership

Nov 1 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

As client expectations of agencies continue to increase, the role of client services continues to evolve. In the kick-off session to this series, we’ll address the critical elements that now make up an effective account person.

Expect your teams to leave this session with a new and motivated outlook on their role. We’ll introduce a model that outlines how the most effective account managers now perform. In fact, each participant will self-assess their current abilities and identify next steps to improve their effectiveness:

  • Proactively leaning in and leading each client forward (vs. subservient order-takers)
  • Understanding each clients business goals and measures
  • Being assertive and resourceful in achieving each client’s (and the agency’s) objectives
  • Leading the agency’s teams to more efficiently deliver effective work

The goal is to have your account managers become indispensable partners to your clients.

2 Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

Effective Project & Client Management

Nov 4 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

Clients are now expecting their agency leads to proactively lean in and lead the management of all projects. There is no longer any patience for ambiguity or needless additional work due to poor project management.

At the same time, agency management teams want to ensure their client leads are spending their time as effectively as possible – focused on the right (high-value vs. lower-value) tasks at the right time.

To that end, this training session is focused on helping client leads:

  • Better distinguish and prioritize day-to-day projects and tasks
  • More effectively align with clients to ensure the agencies wastes no resources on the wrong direction
  • Better organize agency resources to ensure no time is wasted time and delivery is timely and efficient
  • More confidently leads their clients, becoming a stronger strategic partner

Ultimately, the goal is to have your client-facing team members clearly and confidently lead each client and the agency through the effective delivery of every project.

3 Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

Business Writing for Client Management

Nov 8 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

Clients are not pleased with the current state of agency communications. It is often rushed, vague, error-ridden, and long-winded. Many emails are often ignored as it takes too long to sort through the context and request – having a direct impact on the effectiveness of project delivery – and agency margins.

In particular, email remains the most important form of interacting with clients. However, many emails look like something copied over from a Tweet.

This training session outlines how to write communications that will:

  • More clearly lead and guide clients through the delivery of each project
  • Better communicate the purpose of each communication
  • More effectively outline the next steps required of the client
  • Make it easier for each time-starved client to get to the point

Ultimately, the goal is to have your client-facing teams more effectively use email as a critical tool to manage clients and their projects.

4 Level One: Mastering Client & Project Leadership

Manage Project Scope & Profitability

Nov 11 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

Keeping clients on scope is one of the most significant challenges in the agency business. In fact, on a daily basis, ineffective scope management is costing agencies a small fortune.

It’s one thing to write an effective scope, another to get it approved, and even more challenging to keep the client on track. This training session will address all three. We’ll outline how to better establish and manage SOWS, estimates and proposals for every client project.

Step-by-step, this session will cover:

  • Better communicating the value of your agency’s work
  • Why scope creep happens (and why the agency team is responsible for it)
  • Writing scopes that ensure the agency gets paid for everything it provides
  • Securing client approval on these critical documents
  • How scope creep can become a revenue opportunity (when properly prepared for)
  • How to make it a standard practice to charge the client for all incremental work (without making it feel personal)

Ultimately, we’ll outline how to write and manage estimates/proposals/SOWs in a way that ensures the agency gets paid for all its work – while reducing scope creep and increasing margins.

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Past Mirren Account Mastery attendees have included