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Who it's for

This training is for senior client-facing team members who manage accounts and projects.

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How it works

This certification training program is delivered live over 4 remote sessions of 2 hours or less.

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Four-part virtual training series

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Mastering Organic Growth

Diagnostic Client Business Strategy

How to dig more deeply into each client’s business model, most pressing business needs, and KPIs. Participants will leverage the help of new models and AI tools to better understand client business needs and generate actionable insights more efficiently. The goal is to develop deeper business strategy skills and provide better strategic counsel to each client.
Dec 3 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
Mastering Organic Growth

Develop Business-Building Ideas Clients Will Buy

How to more strategically identify new project ideas that will drive business impact for your clients. Participants will leverage diagnostic management consulting models to identify client challenges and opportunities for growth. The goal is to generate new project ideas focused on client business impact.
Dec 6 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
Mastering Organic Growth

Present Those Ideas So Clients Will Sign Off

How to develop and deliver more compelling presentations and increase client buy-in. Participants will learn a new deck writing framework to infuse storytelling principles and strengthen the strategic logic trails of client presentations. The goal is to develop more persuasive presentations that ultimately sell through more work.
Dec 9 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
Mastering Organic Growth

Write Assertive Organic Growth Plans

How to create actionable, accountable organic growth plans and play a larger role in your agency’s growth. Participants will draft organic growth plans that are immediately operational for the agency’s highest-value client accounts. The goal is to scale these plans across the organization for maximum impact.
Dec 13 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET
1 Mastering Organic Growth

Diagnostic Client Business Strategy

Dec 3 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

By applying a new framework that can be replicated across all accounts, this session takes a more advanced look at how to dig more deeply into each client’s business model, most pressing business needs, and KPIs.

Apply principles from management consulting firms, participants will learn the Theory of Constraints and how it applies to business diagnostics.

In short, your senior team members will understand exactly what they need to know about each client’s business, and the fastest ways to collect and organize this new intel. Most importantly, they’ll learn how to develop a point of view to better understand the role your agency needs to play – and more effectively provide strategic counsel to each client.

This session lays a critical foundation for effective Organic Growth.

2 Mastering Organic Growth

Develop Business-Building Ideas Clients Will Buy

Dec 6 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

Clients have become incredibly particular about any unplanned work they approve. Often, when agencies proactively bring new project ideas or new agency capabilities forward to their clients, the most common reaction is, “sorry, we have no more budget.”

But the issue is not with the client’s budget – it’s that none of the ideas were deemed worthy of funding. “No more budget” really means, “I can’t justify the budget for this random idea. It’s easier just to tell you I have no money.” The truth is that clients regularly create budgets for new projects, but only when the return is adequately justified.

In this session, step-by-step, you’ll work through two powerful strategic tools to identify new project ideas clients will want to buy – with a particular emphasis on projects that directly impact their business growth. We’ll also reveal the new criteria by which clients are approving incremental projects, and exactly when – and how – to bring these proactive recommendations forward to your clients.

3 Mastering Organic Growth

Present Those Ideas So Clients Will Sign Off

Dec 9 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

With high-value organic growth ideas in hand, it’s now time to present them.

In this session, we will step through how to package, position, and sell through your strategic thinking.

You will learn the skills to write and deliver presentations that are more dynamic, engaging, and persuasive. The result is a greater command of the room – with a more compelling presentation and team.

Ultimately, as your organic growth ideas better address client business impact and are presented more persuasively, you sell through more work – making you more indispensable to your clients and driving organic account growth.

4 Mastering Organic Growth

Write Assertive Organic Growth Plans

Dec 13 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm ET

Most agency organic growth plans are a single page, outlining random financial targets – if anything is on paper at all.

The truth: there is no plan to achieve those goals.
The result: no growth.
This is the fundamental breakdown at most agencies.

Step-by-step, we’ll walk through how to craft an Organic Growth Plan for each client – one that more clearly outlines exactly how you will achieve assertive organic growth targets.

Key principles include:
• Identify meaningful client business goals to address
• Articulate goals that generate a stronger return for the agency
• Outline more detailed implementation schedules
• Clearly assign accountability and target dates

To help immediately apply this new framework, you will be put to work as you begin writing individual client Organic Growth Plans.

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Past Mirren Account Mastery attendees have included